Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 11

On Day 11, it has become a date with Madcow whenever I'm in OB. Well, NOT a date with Madcow himself but rather with the skeletons. heehee

My Date - Big Bones

My favourite for today is the Book Worm - love the way it pops out from the book.

All the pieces tonight are different studies of skeletons bt each is very different. The first piece is the Mamoth, I wanted to explore the interesting shape and the weight distribution of an elephant skeleton. I was hoping the end result would have a nice natural history muesum look and I think I achieved it. The big one is called Stalking Dragon. My goal with it was to produce a very dramatic pose. I wanted it to look like it was slinking in and had just spotted its prey. I was very pleased with the final result and it helped me put a little more action into the pieces taht came after it. The next to pieces where both created for exhibits that had under 200 prims to play with. Both are fantasy themed, one coming out of the ground the other coming from a book. I especially enjoyed the book theme as I have always loved old books and the story of magical tomes.

Embraced With Love
Can you see the Heart Shape?

At the end of the session, Madcow popped in with another creations from his, multi hats skeleton. He never fail to surprised us at any point of time.

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