Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 5

I was extremely lazy than before, and the moment I stepped into OB to continue the saga of Madcow's sculptures, i stopped short. DAMN! My system is starting to fail me, I took almost a minute or so to complete the whole rezzing! (Joeru needs more ram!)

The theme for today is HOUSE, not that TV series HOUSE of course but the ones we live with a roof over our heads.

My favourite of all - the Birdy House - which I found out was base on a myth character, Baba Yaga. Madcow always attach a notecard on each day's exhibit (I noticed it only now!)

Take A Look!

"I'm no engineer, I am not an master of floorplans, and I am not the person you want to build your house if you want to actually move around in it or use it. I build art houses because SL is a place where you don't really need to live in a house anyways and it helps me reach my goal of encouragign people to play around on my creations. These objects are art first and such petty concernes as function a distant thrid (don't ask me what second is). The largest one I call Cart of Doom. The idea is a house that is actually a house , or at least a fortress, but put in a very different and fantastic context which helps taking it out of its element. The next two, the Alarming house and the Wine House, are based on taking everyday objects and turning them into homes. Kind of like some strange functional still life. Its nice when you can turn an everyday object on its head. The final one is a steam punk version of a fictional house Baba Yaga's Hut. It's nice to occasionally borrow from others peoples imagination and give it a flar of my own. I decided I was in the mood for a bit of a steam punk build and just went for it. So the next time you are thinking of a house, remember there are peole in SL who really design houses, but consider putting one of mine out on the lawn."

Cart of Doom

Baba Yaga's Hut

Alarming house
I might need to live in one, i need a powerful alarm clock!

Wine House

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