Kakis Isles - IN ACTION!!!

In March, there was an entry on finding people from my homeland. Since then, I have known many of them and keep in close contacts.

Now, officially, I have a home of my own. A group of us who are taking SL seriously got together and bought a sim together. The sim will be divided into island where each of us can develop the way we desire.

Kaki is a Malay word, which means friends/buddies. Just the perfect description of us at Kakis Isles.

Excitement is building up every single log-in and construction is underway. A blog site was dedicated to the Isles, up-to-date on what's the development and interesting happenings.


The Heavy Stuffs

Preview of how the Sim is going to be divide into

Layout and Safety Hats

Jee @ Work

Spliting Up the Pie

Jee Resting Under The Tree @ Workers' Quarters

Don't worry, He's cover under insurance and he's LEGAL TO WORK!

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