Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 3

*NOTE: Due to some issues, I can't load photos from flickr to blogger, thus, please excuse the size of the photos. Do click into each photo to have a clearer look.*

Bones Bones Bones...

I felt so much closer when I saw these.

Extermely underweight in both RL and SL, I was often given nickname like Pork Ribs, which seems to be the best description for people to assocaite me with. Don't ask why. Haahaaa...

View of me from the Mouth Entrance

Madcow was showing off his two monsters, one standing on top of the gallery, while the other lie down quietly on the ground.

As mentioned in my previous entry, creator exceptionally loves making skeletons, these two creations did show off his talent and his seriousness with these beings.

All of Different Lengths
Intense Work

Joeru couldn't help being in the hands of it

After much indepth view,
Felt like looking into my own rib cage

Saw what's in my mouth?
Joeru dressed up for the theme

Joeru's neck is aching after viewing the creatures.

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