Additional Help

Isn't it so modern and easy to tell people how we are always busy, not enough time to do the things that we want to do, let alone a smoke or toilet break? Haahaa... I'm sure you have heard or used such expression every so often.

As long as you exist in this era, you will never find time for things that you want or wish to do, because you always find something ELSE that will catch your concentration and you find it almost unattainable to reach your destination.

And that is why, I have included a dear person into this modest blog. I have been labeling myself with the word busy, despite half the time I'm just ending up NOT completing what I'm supposed to do and my little feet haven't been bringing me to places. This is where Benz Bryke appears - an amazingly motivated chap in SL, he has been to places I haven't even heard of (so ashamed to say I'm a traveller now) and his collections of photos are catching mine in hundreds.

Erm... The Bald One is Benz, Not The Hairy One

I offered him a space to display his photos here in this blog site, but being a shy personality as he always claimed he is, he kindly rejected the offer. Instead, he would love to share the places he has been to, with interesting features and people. With such a kind gesture, I HAVE to list him out here to express my gratitude.

As this blog goes on, I will indicate which LM is recommended by Benz himself, photos and write up will be done by me and I will try to persuade Benz to display some of his photos. Hahahaa... can't waste any good shots!

So LOOK OUT people! Benz & Joeru is here to ROCK! ~Well, more like SNAP!~ Haahaaa

Benz & Joeru In A Lovely Dance

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