A Note From My Idol

Yes, in SL, I do have an Idol.

Remember my earlier article on Tiny World organised by a Jap creator, Nobunaga Ogee? One day, I was just playing with my tp and landed myself back the the venue, knowing the fact that the event was way over and I might be facing a piece of empty land.

Indeed it was empty but I met someone. I met Nobunaga Ogee himself!

I so want to marry his brain

Although I had learnt Japanese for a year odd, ages ago, I really couldn't bring myself to complete a sentence without inserting English in. Hahahaa... In the end, I gave up and used blabber instead. While I was expressing my admiration to him, I thought that actions speaks louder than words and I did this.... I change into one of his latest creations AV, which I personally name it - GIANT PINK SPERM. Hahahaaa

That's Me! *The Pink one, not the Plant!*

IMMEDIATELY, his friend who was present there, said: 'Oh! It's your customer.'

The bottom line, he knew I love his creations and he blogged about me. *Nearly fainted with excitment*

Look how small the world can be in SL and so vast to get lost in one.


Kenneth Goh said...

Can I click on you and make you bounce like mutan, spermie? :P

Joeru Pugilist said...

Yes u can Laforge, remember, I make sounds too... Hahahaaaa