Today, the Main Grid is down for maintence, and using this opportunity, Linden encouraged all SL-ers to try out their Beta Test Grid. Out of curiosity, I went to give it a try.

Getting into the grid has proved much difficilties and suddenly it striked me - AREN'T WE ALL ADDICTS! Almost EVERYONE is in there and due to the huge traffic, everyone of us are stuck in the Linden Welcome Village (I think) and we all LOOK THE SAME! Haahaaa.

A friend of mine I know in SL said: I live in SL, play the RL game. (Hope she hasn't patent this sentence). People, how true is that!


Anonymous said...

joeru... sure will let u quote that, but might be using it as a slogan in future :)


Joeru Pugilist said...

Dream - Everyone will remember you cos of the statement. You are the pioneer!