Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 11

On Day 11, it has become a date with Madcow whenever I'm in OB. Well, NOT a date with Madcow himself but rather with the skeletons. heehee

My Date - Big Bones

My favourite for today is the Book Worm - love the way it pops out from the book.

All the pieces tonight are different studies of skeletons bt each is very different. The first piece is the Mamoth, I wanted to explore the interesting shape and the weight distribution of an elephant skeleton. I was hoping the end result would have a nice natural history muesum look and I think I achieved it. The big one is called Stalking Dragon. My goal with it was to produce a very dramatic pose. I wanted it to look like it was slinking in and had just spotted its prey. I was very pleased with the final result and it helped me put a little more action into the pieces taht came after it. The next to pieces where both created for exhibits that had under 200 prims to play with. Both are fantasy themed, one coming out of the ground the other coming from a book. I especially enjoyed the book theme as I have always loved old books and the story of magical tomes.

Embraced With Love
Can you see the Heart Shape?

At the end of the session, Madcow popped in with another creations from his, multi hats skeleton. He never fail to surprised us at any point of time.

Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 9

When I got notice from the group notice of Oyster Bay (OB), I was so excited. Under The Sea, a song from the disney movie - The Little Mermaid, it so happens that 1 of my favourite movies of all times, I quickly dressed up in Scuba gear and suit and hopped straight to OB.

Before anything can be rezzed, I jumped straight into the water and guess what, I see no Madcow's scupltures. They are - as usual - at the main gallery and I stood there, feeling all together hungry. Haahaaa...

Under the Sea is the correct theme as I saw lobster, shrimp, hermit, seahorses and erm... some kind microscobic creature.

I IM-ed Morris to give him a piece of my mind as I was so dressed for the theme and he was ROFL when he knew i came to OB in scuba outfit. ARgh! Do I look that funnY!?

I simply love today's theme.

Under the sea!

Segmented bodies are one of the easiest things to build with the SL building tools, as such I cant resist knocking a couple out when I am feeling creative but too sleepy to consentrate. I really enjoy the curves present on the undersea life and the torus is easily the most noble of the prims. The most colorful piece is called Sea Carriage it has uncharacteristically good texturing for me I feel, as most of my textures are done more as a second thought because I build in most details in prim form. It was made when I was in a particularly happy mood and I hope that shows through on it a bit. The Hermit Chariot is another farily cheerfull piece, I always imagine its lantern glowing brightly as it makes it way along coral lanes (its lantern does actually glow of course). The Next two are the rideing prawn (never enough prawn in SL) and the lobster wagon. Both were done as part of a undersea ranch theme as I can't resist occasionaly mixing unlikely generes in a random fashion. It you want to know what the wagon is hauling is just rocks, its a rock lobster probably. The final one draws back to some earlier oceans it was done entirely for foggy memory so its an impression of a sea scropion rather than the thing itself. I really enjoy prehistoric creatures many of them have a disticntcly unlikely look to me. As I write this someone just shouted I should make a trilobyte which will certainly make it into my idea list for future builds. So from the deck of the Calipso I bid you fairwell for tonight, hope you enjoy the art.

Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 8

I have to cut short cos I'm rushing for posting. Below is the Madcow's Notecard: -

Todays pieces are unified in the fact that a consider them more classically "artistic" in the thought process behind them. These pieces are designed with a clear thought or message I want to express when they are finished. I am particularly tired tonight so bare with my typos if you will. The largest on is called Small Fights. Humans are continually writing stories about epic heroes and larger than life events. Dramas playing out on the scale of gods. While we do this the world around us and beneath our notice plays out its own wars, struggles, and dramas as great as any of our writing. So while we tell our tales and get worked up about bad hair days the worlds vast majority of smaller creatures play out very real life and death struggles, in our back yards, our trash cans, and almost always below our notice. The very primmy puzzle box is titled fetters. The concept behind it is simple, a beautiful box with golden chain holds in some unseen content that looks like if it where to abandon the box it could escape. The box of course are all those beautifull fetters, seductive things that keep you down. The piece is a question to the viewer, asking what those are and if the viewer can escape them. Also it glows in the dark, how cool is that? The final one is from a series of valentines day sculptures I did. People always talk about giving their hearts away and this piece take it seriously. I like the contrast of higher concepts like love and devotion versus the frail and tempary flesh. Love might be eternal but our hearts have only so many beats in them, we are short lived and creatures made of pumps and protien factories.

Droplets of Sweetness?

How True Is Your Love?

Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 6

A BIG MANGA/ANIME Fan I am, I felt so animated when I took this shot. Don't you think that I posed like one of the characters in Gundam, when they are standing on their machine, looking all brave and full of power? Haahaaa

Another remarkable works from Madcow (MC for short), the theme today is Steam Punk and somehow, it reminds me of the Movie - Steamboy by Hayo Miyazaki.

"By land, sea, or air; I still call it steam punk:
Steam punk is among my very favorite styles to build in. First off its an incredibly varied style, from the very historically acurate pieces, things fueled by the fiction of the victorian era, to fantasy dwarves with magical steam engines its a expansive genere. This leads to a lot of possiblities for freedom and artistic enjoyment. The gadgets and the detail also big draws for me as well as anything I feel like doing I feel like doing with a few hundred prims. Steam punk is also a style that enjoys the epic, titanic sized land vessles to match those of the sea. As such you can't ask for a closer match to my building style and no steam punk builder is short on inspiration in SL with some of the exceptionaly friendly communities centered around it."

Interior of the Lobster

Madcow Cosmos 14 Days 14 Sculptures - DAY 5

I was extremely lazy than before, and the moment I stepped into OB to continue the saga of Madcow's sculptures, i stopped short. DAMN! My system is starting to fail me, I took almost a minute or so to complete the whole rezzing! (Joeru needs more ram!)

The theme for today is HOUSE, not that TV series HOUSE of course but the ones we live with a roof over our heads.

My favourite of all - the Birdy House - which I found out was base on a myth character, Baba Yaga. Madcow always attach a notecard on each day's exhibit (I noticed it only now!)

Take A Look!

"I'm no engineer, I am not an master of floorplans, and I am not the person you want to build your house if you want to actually move around in it or use it. I build art houses because SL is a place where you don't really need to live in a house anyways and it helps me reach my goal of encouragign people to play around on my creations. These objects are art first and such petty concernes as function a distant thrid (don't ask me what second is). The largest one I call Cart of Doom. The idea is a house that is actually a house , or at least a fortress, but put in a very different and fantastic context which helps taking it out of its element. The next two, the Alarming house and the Wine House, are based on taking everyday objects and turning them into homes. Kind of like some strange functional still life. Its nice when you can turn an everyday object on its head. The final one is a steam punk version of a fictional house Baba Yaga's Hut. It's nice to occasionally borrow from others peoples imagination and give it a flar of my own. I decided I was in the mood for a bit of a steam punk build and just went for it. So the next time you are thinking of a house, remember there are peole in SL who really design houses, but consider putting one of mine out on the lawn."

Cart of Doom

Baba Yaga's Hut

Alarming house
I might need to live in one, i need a powerful alarm clock!

Wine House

Kakis Isles - IN ACTION!!!

In March, there was an entry on finding people from my homeland. Since then, I have known many of them and keep in close contacts.

Now, officially, I have a home of my own. A group of us who are taking SL seriously got together and bought a sim together. The sim will be divided into island where each of us can develop the way we desire.

Kaki is a Malay word, which means friends/buddies. Just the perfect description of us at Kakis Isles.

Excitement is building up every single log-in and construction is underway. A blog site was dedicated to the Isles, up-to-date on what's the development and interesting happenings.


The Heavy Stuffs

Preview of how the Sim is going to be divide into

Layout and Safety Hats

Jee @ Work

Spliting Up the Pie

Jee Resting Under The Tree @ Workers' Quarters

Don't worry, He's cover under insurance and he's LEGAL TO WORK!