Before anything can be rezzed, I jumped straight into the water and guess what, I see no Madcow's scupltures. They are - as usual - at the main gallery and I stood there, feeling all together hungry. Haahaaa...
Under the Sea is the correct theme as I saw lobster, shrimp, hermit, seahorses and erm... some kind microscobic creature.
I IM-ed Morris to give him a piece of my mind as I was so dressed for the theme and he was ROFL when he knew i came to OB in scuba outfit. ARgh! Do I look that funnY!?
I simply love today's theme.
Under the sea!
Segmented bodies are one of the easiest things to build with the SL building tools, as such I cant resist knocking a couple out when I am feeling creative but too sleepy to consentrate. I really enjoy the curves present on the undersea life and the torus is easily the most noble of the prims. The most colorful piece is called Sea Carriage it has uncharacteristically good texturing for me I feel, as most of my textures are done more as a second thought because I build in most details in prim form. It was made when I was in a particularly happy mood and I hope that shows through on it a bit. The Hermit Chariot is another farily cheerfull piece, I always imagine its lantern glowing brightly as it makes it way along coral lanes (its lantern does actually glow of course). The Next two are the rideing prawn (never enough prawn in SL) and the lobster wagon. Both were done as part of a undersea ranch theme as I can't resist occasionaly mixing unlikely generes in a random fashion. It you want to know what the wagon is hauling is just rocks, its a rock lobster probably. The final one draws back to some earlier oceans it was done entirely for foggy memory so its an impression of a sea scropion rather than the thing itself. I really enjoy prehistoric creatures many of them have a disticntcly unlikely look to me. As I write this someone just shouted I should make a trilobyte which will certainly make it into my idea list for future builds. So from the deck of the Calipso I bid you fairwell for tonight, hope you enjoy the art.